Contact us Category listing - misc
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9menu Simple menu patterned after the Plan9 user interface
abduco Tool for session {at,de}tach support
Addresses Address book for GNUstep
akonadi-contacts Libraries and daemons to implement basic email handling
akonadi-notes Libraries and daemons to implement management of notes in Akonadi
akonadi-search Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi
akonadiconsole Akonadi management and debugging console
ansiweather Display current weather conditions in your terminal
aschord Print guitar chord with ascii characters given its name
ascii ASCII character table program
asr-manpages Distribution of alt.sysadmin.recovery man page
astrolog Astrology program for X11 and alpha-numeric terminals
attica Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
attica-qt5 Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
autocue Time-based text formatter, sending output to xcb for pasting
bbappconf Configure the behaviour of an application under Blackbox
bbdb2 Insidious Big Brother DataBase, a rolodex-like database Emacs program
bbdb3 Insidious Big Brother DataBase (version 3)
bbweather Show current weather conditions
bibletime Bible study program based on SWORD and QT
blccc Blinkenlights Chaos Control Center
bottlerocket Home Automation Software for the X10 FireCracker kit
breeze-gtk (V) Breeze widget theme for GTK 2 and 3
brs Interactive King James Version Bible
bsdiff Size efficient binary diff and patch tools
bsdstats BSD-Stats collector script
buffer Buffer sporadic binary I/O for faster tape use
byobu Open source text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
cabal-install The command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage
calibre E-book library management application
catpoint Simple presentation software written in curses
celestia Free real-time 3D space simulator
chatgpt-shell-cli Shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E
chipmunk Shell-like tool for hardware debugging
chord Produce PS sheet-music from text input
chordii Produce PS sheet-music from text input
cksfv Check and create simple file verification (SFV) listings
color-theme Emacs-lisp mode for skinning your emacs
colorblind Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
colorize Log colorize perl script
colorless Enable colorised command output and pipe it to less
colorls Uses color with ls(1) to display file attributes
colortail Colour-able replacement for tail(1)
cowsay Configurable talking cow
cstream General-purpose stream-handling tool with bandwidth limiting
cuecat Read and parse barcodes from your CueCat barcode reader
cuetools Set of utilities to manipulate cue and toc files
cw Non-intrusive color wrapper for common commands
dgpsip Differential GPS over IP communication device
dialog Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
dirdiff Displays differences between directories
dose3 Package repository analysis toolkit
dotfile GUI dotfile generator program to create .config files
dpkg Package maintenance system for Debian
dt Virtual consoles for NetBSD/mac68k (and macppc?)
dtach Small program that emulates the detach feature of screen
dvorakng US English Dvorak keyboard tutor
dvtm Dynamic virtual terminal manager
dync C language awk-like utility
easymenu Software used to generate menu systems
ec2-ami-tools Amazon EC2 AMI Tools (bundle, create, upload AMIs to S3)
ec2-api-tools Amazon EC2 API tools (register, launch, administer instances)
edict Japanese-English dictionary file
elizatalk Eliza talkback program
elscreen Window manager within Emacs
emacs-neotree Tree explorer plugin for Emacs
emacs-wiki Wiki major mode for emacs, which aims for implicit and natural markup
emacspeak Speech interface for emacs
epm ESP generates software packages from a list of files
erlang-p1_utils Erlang Utility Modules from ProcessOne
esniper Simple, lightweight tool for sniping ebay auctions
eventviews Library for creating events
exercism Command line tool for
fbreader Ebook reader software
fd File and directory management tool
fep General purpose front end for command line editing
figlet Print text banners in fancy ASCII art characters
figlet-fonts Additional fonts for figlet
firelib Library for predicting fire spread rate, intensity, and more
fzy Fuzzy text selector for the terminal
gaupol Subtitle editor
gelemental Periodic table viewer
getopt Program to help shell scripts parse command-line parameters
gkrellm-flynn GKrellM2 plugin that shows system load with a DooM marine
gkrellm-launch GKrellM plugin to allow quick launch of applications
gkrellm-leds GKrellM plugin that monitors CapsLock, NumLock and ScrollLock keys
gkrellm-moon GKrellM2 moonclock plugin
gkrellm-weather Gkrellm2 weather plugin
gkrellsun GKrellM plugin to display sun rise and sun set times
gnuls GNU ls utility with color support
goffice0.10 Library of document-centric objects and utilities
gone Terminal locking utility with many improvements over lock(1)
gperiodic Displays a periodic table of the elements
grantlee-editor Editor for Grantlee themes
grantleetheme Library for Grantlee theming support
granulate Program for splitting files in place
hanzim Chinese character learning-aid program
heirloom-banner Collection of standard Unix utilities (banner)
heirloom-cal Collection of standard Unix utilities (cal)
heirloom-calendar Collection of standard Unix utilities (calendar)
heirloom-hd Collection of standard Unix utilities (hd)
heirloom-more Collection of standard Unix utilities (more)
heirloom-od Collection of standard Unix utilities (od)
heirloom-printenv Collection of standard Unix utilities (printenv)
heirloom-printf Collection of standard Unix utilities (printf)
heirloom-random Collection of standard Unix utilities (random)
heirloom-sleep Collection of standard Unix utilities (sleep)
heirloom-split (V) Collection of standard Unix utilities (split)
heirloom-sum Collection of standard Unix utilities (sum)
heirloom-tcopy Collection of standard Unix utilities (tcopy)
heirloom-time Collection of standard Unix utilities (time)
hexd Colourful, human-friendly hexdump tool for reverse engineering
heyu Home Automation Software for the X10 CM11A
howm Write fragmentarily and read collectively
hs-cabal-install-solver Solver component used in cabal-install command-line program
hs-extra Extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries
hs-magic Interface to C file/magic library
hs-pager Open up a pager, like 'less' or 'more'
ibutton-pdkit 1-Wire Public Domain Kit Version 2.00
incidenceeditor KDE PIM incidence editor
indi Implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface protocol
ipbt High-tech ttyrec player
iselect Curses based Interactive Selection Tool
iwatch Watch the command output with interval timer
ja-less Less + zcat + ISO-2022 + UTF-8 - a pager similar to more and pg
ja-man Japanese on-line manual pages of NetBSD
JBidwatcher Software for eBay sniping, bidding and monitoring
jhd Japanese Hexadecimal Dump
JMdict Japanese-Multilingual electronic dictionary
kaccessible Provides accessibility services like focus tracking for KDE
kaddressbook KDE contact manager
kalzium Periodic table of elements
kanjidic Japanese Kanji information
kanjidic2 Japanese Kanji information
kanjipad Japanese handwriting recognition
katbin-cli CLI for katbin
kbruch KDE exercise fractions
kcharselect KDE character selector
kcontacts Address book API for KDE
kdav DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
kde-gtk-config (V) Plasma5 GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator
kde-wallpapers4 Wallpapers for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdeartwork4 Artwork for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdeedu-data Common data for KDE Edu applications
kdepim-runtime Extends the functionality of kdepim
kdeplasma-addons4 Plasmoids
kdialog KDE utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts
kdrill Kanji quiz and japanese dictionary
keditbookmarks KDE Bookmark Organizer and Editor
kemoticons Support for emoticons and emoticons themes
kf6-attica Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
kf6-kcontacts Address book API for KDE
kf6-kdav DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
kf6-kquickcharts QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts
kf6-kstatusnotifieritem Implementation of Status Notifier Items
kf6-kunitconversion Support for unit conversion
kfind KDE Find Files/Folders
kgeography KDE geography trainer
khard CLI contacts application built around CardDAV
khelpcenter Application to show KDE Applications' documentation
kidentitymanagement Library for managing identitites
kig KDE interactive geometry
kio-extras (V) Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
kiten KDE Japanese reference/learning tool
klettres KDE app to teach the alphabet and read some syllables in languages
kmag KDE screen magnifier
kmousetool KDE mouse manipulation tool
kmouth KDE Speech Synthesizer frontend
knotes Popup notes
kontact KDE Personal Information Manager
kontactinterface Kontact Plugin Interface Library
kp The Keyboard Practicer, touch-type training program
kquickcharts QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts
krita (V) Raster graphics editor for digital painting
kstars KDE desktop planetarium
kteatime KDE Tea Cooker
ktouch KDE touch typing tutor
kturtle KDE educational programming environment
kunitconversion Support for unit conversion
kuserfeedback Collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys
kwordquiz KDE flash card trainer
kwrited (V) Plasma5 daemon listening for wall and write messages
kz_h8write Flash writer for H8/3069F, mainly for KOZOS
labelnation Command-line label, business card printing program
latin-words-bin Latin-to-English dictionary program (Linux binary)
less Pager similar to more and pg
libcarddav CardDAV library
libcdio CD-ROM access library
libcdio-paranoia CD-ROM access library: CDDA support
libcec USB CEC Adapter communication Library
libdivecomputer Library for communication with dive computers
libgravatar KDE PIM library providing Gravatar support
libjaylink Access SEGGER J-Link and compatible devices
libkdepim Libraries for KDE PIM applications
libkeduvocdocument Common libraries for KDE Edu applications
libkkc-data Language model data for libkkc
libmateweather Weather information access library
libquantum Quantum computing simulation library
libreoffice Office productivity suite from The Document Foundation
libreoffice5-bin Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
libreoffice6-bin Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
libutf UTF-8 character set support library, including regular expressions
lile Input Line Editor that wraps itself around programs
linux-words English word list
loco Colorize file or standard input and print on the standard output
logsurfer Processes logfiles and performs certain actions
lookup Electric dictionary agent for Emacs
lr List files, recursively
lv Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
m17n-db The m17n database used by the m17n library
m17n-docs Documents for the m17n library
marble KDE desktop globe
mate-calc Calculator for MATE Desktop
mate-utils Utilities for MATE Desktop
mbuffer Tool for buffering data streams
mdp Command-line based markdown presentation tool
mic-paren Advanced highlighting of parenthesis
mime-types Database of common mappings of file extensions to MIME types
mirmon Monitor the state of mirror servers
mkcue Generates a CUE sheet from a CD
mmv Move, copy, append or link multiple files using wildcard patterns
moreutils Additional Unix utilities
most Pager (like less) which has support for windows and binary files
mousetweaks Mouse accessibility software
mtail Small tail workalike that performs output coloring
mtm The Micro Terminal Multiplexer
multitail View one or multiple files
noor (V) Quran viewer
nq Command line queueing utility
nxtvepg NextView EPG decoder
nyancat Nyancat in your terminal
ocaml-cudf OCaml library for the Common Upgradeability Description Format
ocaml-magic-mime Convert file extensions to MIME types
ocaml-opaline Lightweight OCaml/opam installer
ocaml-opam OCaml package manager
ocaml-opam-file-format Parser and printer for the opam file syntax
ocaml-topkg Transitory OCaml software packager
omm Terminal-based task manager
open2300 WS 23xx weather station support software
open2300-mysql WS 23xx weather station MySQL support
open2300-pgsql WS 23xx weather station PostgesSQL support
orca Screen reader
p5-App-MrShell Mr. Shell runs a command on multiple hosts
p5-Array-PrintCols Perl5 module to print arrays of elements in sorted columns
p5-Business-CreditCard Perl5 module to validate/generate credit card checksums/names
p5-Business-ISBN Perl5 module to work with International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs)
p5-Business-ISBN-Data Data for the p5-Business-ISBN package
p5-Business-ISMN Perl5 module to work with ISMNs
p5-Business-ISSN Perl5 extention for International Standard Serial Numbers
p5-Business-UPS Perl5 module to handle UPS rate calculation and package tracking
p5-ControlX10-CM11 Perl5 module for controlling the X10 CM11A controller
p5-ControlX10-CM17 Perl5 module for controlling the X10 CM17A controller
p5-File-MMagic Perl5 module to guess file types
p5-File-MMagic-XS File Type With XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
p5-File-Tail Perl5 module for reading from continuously updated files
p5-Locale-Codes Perl5 module for ISO 3166, 639, 4217 and 15924 codes
p5-Locale-libintl Perl internationalization library
p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy Maketext from already interpolated strings
p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon Use other catalog formats in Maketext
p5-Locale-US Perl 5 module to maps US two-letter codes to states and vice versa
p5-Mac-Macbinary Perl5 module for decoding Macbinary files
p5-Mac-PropertyList Work with Mac plists at a low level
p5-Msgcat Perl5 module to use the message catalog functions
p5-Parse-Win32Registry Parse Windows Registry Files
p5-Scalar-List-Utils (V) Common Scalar and List utility subroutines
p5-Scalar-Util-Refcount (V) Perl module to show an object's reference count
p5-Search Perl5 module to provide framework for multiple searches
p5-Vroom Slide Shows in Vim
p5-Weather-PurpleAir-API Perl5 library for PurpleAir API
parchive Create or use Parity Volume Set (PAR and Pnn) files
parley KDE vocabulary trainer
pciids Repository of PCI IDs (pci.ids database)
pdmenu Simple console menu program
pear-OLE (V) Package for reading and writing OLE containers
php-orangehrm Open source Human Resource Management (HRM) solution
pick Fuzzy search tool for the command-line
pim-data-exporter Import and export KDE PIM settings
pimcommon Common libraries for KDE PIM
pinfo Przemek's Info Viewer
pixd Colourful visualization tool for binary files
plan9port Plan 9 from User Space
ppower X10 controller software for the CM11A interface
preftools Command line utilities for ballot counting
projectable TUI file manager built for projects
pty-redir Attach a program's stdio to a pty
py-aipy (V) Astronomical Interferometry in Python
py-alfanous (V) Quranic search engine API
py-anita Automated NetBSD Installation and Test Application
py-anki2-devel (V) Flashcard learning program (v2)
py-ansi ANSI cursor movement and graphics
py-arxiv (V) Python wrapper for the arXiv API
py-asciinema Terminal session recorder
py-autocommand Create a command-line program from a function
py-chm (V) Python bindings for the CHMLIB library
py-crashtest Manage Python errors with ease
py-deep-translator (V) Tool to translate between different languages
py-dep-logic Python dependency specifications supporting logical operations
py-domdf-python-tools Helpful functions for Python
py-expandvars Expand system variables Unix style
py-fastprogress Nested progress with plotting options for fastai
py-ghp-import Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch
py-icecream Never use print() to debug again
py-immutables Immutable collections
py-installer Library for installing Python wheels
py-lazy_loader Load subpackages and functions on demand
py-lcapy (V) Symbolic linear circuit analysis
py-mpop (V) Meteorological post processing package
py-neurolab (V) Simple and powerfull neural network library for python
py-neuronpy (V) The NEURON simulator and analyzing neural data
py-pbs-installer Installer for Python Build Standalone
py-pep440 Check whether versions number match PEP 440
py-platformdirs Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs
py-progressbar (V) Text progress bar library for Python
py-pysph (V) General purpose Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics framework
py-pytrends (V) Pseudo API for Google Trends
py-scikits_datasmooth (V) Scikits data smoothing package
py-screenkey (V) Screencast tool to display your keys
py-shellingham Tool to detect surrounding shell
py-sniffio Sniff out which async library your code is running under
py-sofa (V) Python ctypes wrapper around the SOFA astronomical library
py-stdnum Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes
py-tmux (V) Simple wrapper for tmux
py-topkapi (V) TOPKAPI hydrological model in Python
py-tqdm Fast, extensible progress bar for Python
py-trove-classifiers Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (
py-trytond-carrier Carrier module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-carrier-percentage Carrier percentage module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-carrier-weight Carrier weight module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-company Company module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-dashboard Dashboard module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-party Party module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-party-relationship Party relationship module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-party-siret The party_siret module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-product Product module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-product-attribute Product attribute module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-product-classification Product classification module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-product-classification-taxonomic Tryton's product classification taxonomic module
py-trytond-product-measurements Product measurements module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production Production module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production-routing Production routing module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production-split Production split module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production-work Production work module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-production-work-timesheet Tryton's production work timesheet module
py-trytond-project Project module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-project-invoice Project invoice module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-project-plan Project plan module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-project-revenue Project revenue module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock Stock module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-forecast Stock forecast module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-inventory-location Tryton's stock inventory location module
py-trytond-stock-location-sequence Tryton's stock location sequence module
py-trytond-stock-lot Stock lot module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-lot-sled Stock lot sled module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-package Stock package module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-package-shipping Stock package shipping module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-package-shipping-dpd Tryton's stock package shipping DPD module
py-trytond-stock-package-shipping-ups Tryton's stock package shipping UPS module
py-trytond-stock-product-location Stock product location module of the Tryton application platform
py-trytond-stock-split Stock split module of the Tryton application platform
py-watchfiles Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload
qbrew Homebrewer's recipe calculator
qt6-qtsensors Qt6 sensors
qt6gtk2 GTK+2.0 integration plugins for Qt6
qterm Utility to recognise terminal type automatically
R-Hmisc Harrell miscellaneous
R-pillar Coloured formatting for columns
R-praise Praise users
raspberrypi-userland Various libraries for the Raspberry Pi
reed Auto-scrolling file viewer
rhash Calculate/check CRC32, MD5, SHA1, GOST, TTH, BTIH or other hash sums
rlwrap Provides command line editing and history for other commands
rocs KDE graph theory IDE
root-tail Allows printing of text directly to the X11 root window
routeplanner-cli Highway trip planner written in Python
rox-memo Reminds you about things
rpm The Red Hat Package Manager
ruby-ansi Collection of ANSI escape code related libraries
ruby-colorator Colorize your text in the terminal
ruby-columnize Format an Array as an Array of String aligned in columns
ruby-commander The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
ruby-configuration Library for loading Ruby configuration files
ruby-daemons Toolkit to convert Ruby scripts to a daemon
ruby-gem_plugin Gem-based plugin system
ruby-hashie Small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful
ruby-launchy Ruby class for launching applications
ruby-license-acceptance Chef End User License Agreement Acceptance
ruby-lolcat Rainbows and unicorns!
ruby-manpages Adds support for man pages to rubygems
ruby-method_source Return the source code for a method
ruby-mini_portile2 Simple autoconf builder for developers
ruby-ohai Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON
ruby-parallel Run any kind of code in parallel processes
ruby-patch_finder Toolkit to find software patches
ruby-powerbar The last progressbar-library you'll ever need
ruby-progressbar Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
ruby-pry IRB alternative and runtime developer console
ruby-rainbow Extends ruby String class enabling coloring text on ANSI terminals
ruby-slop Simple Lightweight Option Parsing
ruby-sprockets Rack-based asset packaging system
ruby-sprockets-helpers (V) Asset path helpers for Sprockets 2.x & 3.x applications
ruby-sprockets-rails Sprockets Rails integration
ruby-systemu Capture of stdout/stderr and handling of child processes
ruby-thread_safe Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby
ruby-transaction-simple Mixin library for adding transaction support to objects
ruby-typed-array Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
ruby-windows_error Reference for standard Windows API error codes
rust-kanban Kanban board for the terminal
s6-portable-utils Tiny portable generic utilties
sch Curses-based schedule management tool
sci Curses based data entry via templates
screen Multi-screen window manager
screen4 Multi-screen window manager
sd-mux-ctrl Control software for sd-mux devices
send-pr GNATS problem reporting tool
siag Poor man's office suite with spreadsheet, word processor, etc
since Utility to monitor log files
sleepto Sleep command with at-style time specification
splitvt Run two shells in a split window/terminal
starplot 3-dimensional star chart viewer
stellarium Generate photorealistic skies with OpenGL
step KDE interactive physical simulator
sunwait Calculate sunrise, sunset and twilight
sweeper KDE system cleaner
sword Bible study software libraries and tools
tagainijisho Japanese dictionary and learning assistant
tailspin Log file highlighter
tds Web diary system
team Portable multi-buffered tape streaming utility
teseq Terminal control sequence analyzer
tmate Terminal multiplexer with instant terminal sharing
tmux BSD-licensed terminal multiplexer (GNU Screen alternative)
todoman Simple CalDav-based todo manager
toilet Free replacement for the FIGlet utility
topless Display command output on the whole screen like ``top''
ttyrec Tty recorder
tui-journal Your journal app if you live in a terminal
udfclient UDF file system reader/writer for CD/CD-RW/DVD*RW/DVD-RAM and images
ukpostcodes UK national postcode information
uptimec Uptime Project client
upx (V) Ultimate packer for executables
urjtag JTAG tool
usbids Repository of USB IDs (usb.ids database)
utftools UTF-aware wc, fmt, expand, and unexpand
vera Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms
vfu Small, handy, easy-to-use file manager
vimpager Use ViM as PAGER
visual-regexp Easily design and debug regular expressions graphically
vttest Utility to test vt100/vt220/xterm
vym Generate and manipulate maps which show your thoughts
wandio Library for reading from and writing to files
watch Watch a program with update intervals
wdic English dictionary for Korean
wemux Easier, more powerful multi-user terminal multiplexing
whohas Query several packaging systems for a program
window Windowing environment for ASCII terminals
wthrr Little helper for your terminal who knows about the weather
xchm CHM viewer for UNIX
xdg-utils Tools to assist applications with various desktop integration tasks
xfce4-calculator-plugin Xfce calculator plugin
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin Xfce bookmark plugin
xfce4-time-out-plugin Xfce periodical breaks plugin
xfce4-weather-plugin Xfce weather plugin
xjdic Japanese dictionary
xorg-docs Xorg documentation that does not fit anywhere else
xorg-sgml-doctools Xorg documentation that does not fit anywhere else
xrolodex Motif/X11 rolodex application
xtail Like tail -f on a bunch of files at once
xtend Monitors X10 commands using heyu to automate UNIX functions
xygrib GRIB file viewer for weather data
xygrib-devel GRIB file viewer for weather data (developement branch)
yelp3 Mallard capable help browser
yrolo Contact management software
zorro Simple to-do list manager
zyGrib GRIB file viewer for weather data
zyGrib-maps High resolution map files for zyGrib